Coaching Services
What I offer
I offer coaching services for businesses and individuals that I have perfected over many years, and that have enabled my clients to achieve their personal and professional goals while gaining deep-rooted self-confidence. My coaching is based on three pillars: astrology, mudra yoga and affirmations used in the following ways:
- Astrology – optimizing your schedule, boosting efficiency, minimizing friction and maximizing your results.
- Mudra Yoga – improving physical well-being and increasing mental clarity.
- Affirmations – streamlining your root vocabulary and harmonizing the metabolism of your mind.
These three pillars allow great flexibility in the type of coaching I offer. In fact, unlike other life coaches, I do not use rigid pre-prepared packages: all my coaching services are tailored to the needs of the client. This dynamic approach requires an initial input from the client so that a perfectly programmed plan can be established.
I also offer coaching for aspiring writers or for anyone who wants to hone their written communication skills.
How and Where
In Venice
Venice was built on its success as a trading hub and is now a city that hosts numerous international cultural events such as the Biennale expositions and the Venice film Festival. It is also an ideal location for conferences and trade fairs.
My seminar sessions are held in a historic Venetian palazzo.
Combine business with the pleasure of staying in the most beautiful city in the world!
Client’s office
I have given talks and presentations all over the world and, if booked a minimum of three months in advance, am available to hold seminars on the client’s premises.
My coaching sessions and seminars can also be held online.
For individuals I can offer coaching simply over the phone.